
Tolani College Of Commerce (Autonomous)
तोलानी वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय (स्वायत्त)

(Sponsored & Managed by Tolani Education Society, Mumbai-400021) (Recognised Linguistic (Sindhi) Minority Institution, Affiliated to University of Mumbai) Re-accredited (3rd Cycle) by N.A.A.C with ‘A’ Grade (CGPA 3.03)


Tolani College Of Commerce (Autonomous)

तोलानी वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय (स्वायत्त)

(Sponsored & Managed by Tolani Education Society, Mumbai-400021) (Recognised Linguistic (Sindhi) Minority Institution, Affiliated to University of Mumbai) Re-accredited (3rd Cycle) by N.A.A.C with 'A' Grade (CGPA 3.03)

College Women Development Cell (C.W.D.C)

In response to the Vishaka  Judgment passed by the Supreme Court in 1997, University of Mumbai set up the ‘University Women Development Cell (UWDC)’ in 2001 with the key purpose of making the University a gender-sensitive space. The University also directed all its affiliated colleges to set up a ‘Women Development Cell’ at the college level. In compliance with this directive of the University, the Women Development Cell of Tolani College of Commerce was set up in the year 2006-07. A variety of activities and initiatives are undertaken by the Cell:

  • To create a safe campus for the lady students and staff
  • To address cases of sexual harassment, if any
  • To create awareness about the challenges faced by women including health related issues, women’s right and empowerment
  • To promote gender sensitization and equality

Members of College Women Development Cell (CWDC)

Name Designation Email ID
Dr. Vijaya Krishna
Principal – Ex-Officio President
Ms. Jyoti Ghosh
Assistant Professor – Convener (Nominated by the Principal)
Dr. Vasudev Iyer
Vice-Principal – SFC – Associate Professor – Member (Nominated by the Principal)
Ms.Laxmi Pandya
(Community Work Coordinator) – Teaching Representative
Mr.Murugan Nadar
(D.L.L.E Representative) – Teaching Representative
Ms. Shruti Dalvi
Representative – Administrative Staff
Mr.Mahendra Pawar
Representative – Administrative Staff
Ms. Anita Varganti
Non-teaching staff – Member (Nominated by the Principal)
Ms. Yojana Bayangolkar
Non-teaching staff – Member (Nominated by the Principal)
Ms. Reshma Jagtap
SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action) – Representative of NGO
Mr. Harish Sadani
MAVA (Men Against Violence and Abuse) – Representative of NGO
One woman student representative
To be nominated after student council